(Work In-Progress)
A space action-adventure RPG where the hero and heroine's minds (and personal storage) are mysteriously linked by the alien crystal anomalies.
Solve puzzles and battle aliens in real-time to help the pair repair the ship and escape!

Just wow, this is some amazing artwork. Good luck on development. :

    5 days later

    I love that ship design on the main menu! Very nice work!

      12 days later

      Python Thanks Python, but I have to admit that I didn't design the main menu spaceship, which was done by Max Parata (who I have credited in the game) and is available for use in commercial and non-commercial projects.

      Currently, it's serving as placeholder and I do intend to redesign his model and still give him credit.

      Game Updates:

      • Minewalker enemies no longer crash the game when they explode.
      • Weapon crafting system implemented and bullet/amor type weaknesses added.
      • Mining robot behaviour with activation and direction toggle implemented.
      • Engineering bay fitted out with decorative items.
      • New custom Main Menu with custom save and load scripts implemented (still waiting on the ability to show the Game Options) (Suggested by Slayer here )
      12 days later
      8 days later

      Sadly, I've decided to put this project on hold until either of the following bugs are resolved:

      1. Party member is saved and loaded correctly during save_game() and load_game().
      2. An ability to show the game Options menu is available from scripts (so it can be called from a custom widget acting as the Main Menu).

      Until then, I won't be able to restore the player to the correct party member when reloading a game.

        JoshX For number 1, the saving/loading of party members, could you use save_/load_data to help with this if they are not restoring properly with saves?

        Are party members not saving?
        Or is it that if you switch character, that's not saving?

        I'd imagine those things are supposed to save so definately worth putting a bug report together if those aren't working.

        In the meantime though, you might be able to use data files to store/restore a party member ID.

          Slayer Thanks for the reply, I'd asked about this previously on the discord (in the help forum chat titled "value of change_player is not restored to value at point of save").
          Your suggestion at the time, is to use a custom save/load system, which works.

          However, having a custom main menu/custom save and load system gives issue #2 (no access to the Options menu) which could be resolved based on your suggestion here.

            JoshX i've just put in a bug report on this issue after taking a look for myself.

            7 months later