I know that this is my second post today, but this time it's less of a "missing thing in tutorial" issue.
I managed to get a script to play out as I destroy a crate as I wanted to, which starts a battle with an enemy to get the item needed for progression, and it works. I get to do the battle, and when winning I acquire the item in question. But at the beginning of the battle, it pops up this error: "Error in start_battle (Find Key): A battle is already active." I don't quite know what causes it, which, of course, is my reason for this quandary.

The script does work, and it does what I want to the letter, so I just want to know what may cause this and how to maybe fix it. If anything is needed to know about it, more info, etc., then do feel free to ask. I'll do what I can to provide what is necessary, so thank you.

Rip, I guess. Still have this error, and it’s happening in other battles too.