Does the issue occur in the editor or during gameplay?
If it's a gameplay issue, please specify which movement system and camera type you're using (free movement vs. grid movement, third-person vs. first-person) or N/A if not applicable:
Grid based, first person.
Briefly describe the issue you're experiencing:
Using billboard voxel models interaction with objects and creatures occasionally fails or sometimes works but has no interaction cursor.
Are there any errors in the in-game debug console or external console window?
Provide the steps necessary to reproduce the issue:
Create a billboard voxel model, give it something like a dialogue upon player interaction and click it.
It's inconsistent, so i added a chest to change maps in case that helps cause it. Also, strafing around the NPC can cause interaction to fail. As you can see in the gif, it just happens this time, but you can also see that the mouse changes for the chest behind the npc.

Provide a download link to the bare bones project (strongly recommended if it's an in-game issue, since this helps significantly when attempting to reproduce it; the report will also be given more priority in this case):