Does the issue occur in the editor or during gameplay?
If it's a gameplay issue, please specify which movement system and camera type you're using (free movement vs. grid movement, third-person vs. first-person) or N/A if not applicable:
Free Movement, Standard
Briefly describe the issue you're experiencing:
If you lock the camera and move the player away from the locked spot, and then reset_camera, the camera no longer locks back to the center of the player model.
Are there any errors in the in-game debug console or external console window?
Provide the steps necessary to reproduce the issue:
- Load a FM map in standard camera
- lock_camera()
- Do either:
- use put_player() to teleport player to the egde of the screen (or off screen if using an ID, instead of self)
- Alternatively, just walk to the edge of the screen
- reset_camera()
- Notice how its now offset from the player.
[video to follow]