JamaicanDave These are 3 small projects I made back in 2022 whilst first learning how to use RPG in a Box. The games are short and lacking polish but fully playable and completable. I uploaded them as curiosities more than anything. They can be downloaded and played for free from itch io: https://jamaicandave.itch.io/rpg-in-a-box-minis
JamaicanDave Cyber Streets - a very short, interactable walking sim which has the player searching for a hidden stash in a cyberpunk themed street.
JamaicanDave Brigands Abound - a short dungeon crawl clearing out brigands hiding beneath an abandoned castle.
Pajamo @JamaicanDave These were precisely the projects that revealed the potential of RIAB to me. Without these examples, I probably wouldn't have started a project. Thank you for that.
JamaicanDave Thanks and your welcome! RiaB really is an excellent game creation toolset which deserves a lot more recognition than it currently gets. If these little projects can tempt even one or two people to give it a try I feel it was worth uploading them.