It may only be a few scenes or maybe I'll try and complete the entire thing. It seemed like a fantastic project to work especially as the movie is public domain. What do I need to learn?

A great part of starting this project is I'm learning everything about this program. Fortunately I code in Javascript and have done some PHP so I'm not too bad an coding. I want to focus on getting creative and just making something cool. Plus as I learn I can show the kids :-)

This is a quick in game screen shot just for working on some mechanics and figuring out lightning and lighting. The zombie was initially done in Acesprite and to be honest with you It'll be daunting trying to figure out animations but I'm going to dive in feet first and go for it!!

8 months later

Okay I'm finally back! The first thing I want to do is spend some time on the Initial Zombie as seen below from a scene in the 30th Anniversary edition.

I'm thinking of having the zombie made up of different parts:

  • body and legs
  • upper body top
  • head
  • left arm
  • right arm

It seems like I need to just create some basic parts and try out what I'm thinking initially. The battle with me is to hold back on trying to do any detail and try to get the animation aspect pretty good.! We shall see

a month later

So the original sketch was alright but I decided to focus a little more on the first zombie and converted my previous one. It's starting to look a lot more like him. Obviously a large cartoony head :-D

It's easy enough to do initial designs in pixels but animating is another ball game, then making it into voxels is a different kettle of fish. But focusing on this 1 zombie I believe is the best course of action. Then it will be Barbara next so I can work properly on the graveyard chase scene.