Hello RPG in a Box Friends,
We are 2 days from completing the Judging process of the October Monster Mash Game Jam. On the 17th of October there will be a video announcement declaring the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners of the Game Jam. Couple administrative notes before we complete this event.
1.) The** 1st place and 3rd place winners **will be asked to friend Omegalight27 on Steam (This is since there is no $30 Physical card, only way you can make it is by adding a $20(Physical card or Digital) + $10(Digital card Only). Because digital cards can only be given to friends in steam, this is why this process is necessary.
Note: After the prizes are given, you can unfriend no problems.
2.) On the Monster Mash Game Jam itch.io page there is a section that ask for feedback about the Game Jam https://itch.io/board/3009624/get-feedback. This is very important, so we can gather information about how to sustain, improve or create new future events. The format below is designed to help us gather information about the feedback.
Sustain = Keep this element / topic
Improve = Modify or change this element / topic
**Create **= Create or establish this element/ topic
Recommendation = (This is the additional part to the improve comment)
example: *Improve: More time for the event.*
*Recommendation: Announce the duration of the event to be a week longer.*
3.) Once all feedback is received, a poll will be conducted to get the community’s opinion for the next event. If anyone is interested in helping me create another event for the community, please DM me and let me know.
I want to say Thank You to all the contestants for participating and making this event fun!