RPG in a Box has come a long way since it left early access two years ago, and it's quickly approaching 10 years of development total. Combined with the upcoming overhaul and major new features coming, 2.0 is going to be a massive upgrade. With that in mind, the price of RPG in a Box will be increasing once 2.0 is out to celebrate its release and the huge milestone it represents!
If you've been considering purchasing RPG in a Box, now is the time to do so! Start on your game idea and assets now so you'll be prepared for 2.0!
I'll be ensuring that your game projects will transfer over to RPG in a Box 2.0, so there's no reason to wait. Start the journey now and BE READY!
Buy on Epic Games: https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/rpg-in-a-box
Buy on itch.io: https://zeromatrix.itch.io/rpginabox