I make a lot of flat pixel art sprites in 3rd party programs like Photoshop and Aseprite.
To add them to my game, I'd import them into the Voxel Editor by pressing "Import from External Format" and then navigating to the correct file that I want to import (which is a bit hard since you can't see thumbnail images there). This process is kinda tedious.

It would be really neat if you were able to just drag a .png file from e.g. Windows File Explorer directly onto the Voxel Editor's viewport, and to then get a prompt for how you want the image to be offset (or no prompt at all?).

Inside the voxel editor, this could replace the default "Import Resources" window which always pops up when you drag in a png file as long as you drag and drop the png into the viewport.

I agree, this would be a very convenient feature.

I do it this way in magica voxel: