New Features/Changes

  • Added "Free Attack System" setting to the "Mechanics" tab of the Game Configuration's gameplay section, with options of "Default" (character attacks forward) and "Cursor-Guided" (character attacks towards the mouse cursor)
  • Added "Thingies" section to the Model Properties tab in the Voxel Editor for configuring a model to be a particular thingy by default (e.g. an item pickup)
  • Added "Use Skill Slot 1" through "Use Skill Slot 5" input actions for triggering the use of skills on the player's skill bar (with default bindings of Ctrl + 1 through Ctrl + 5)
  • Added "Pack Image into Effect" button to the Effect Editor for bundling a billboard image into a particle effect (e.g. for easily sharing an effect with others)
  • Added "Stun" effect to the preset options available when creating a new effect in the Effect Editor (as seen in Stumpy's Epic Adventure)
  • Added "Max Magic (MP)" as a stat increase option to the "Leveling" section of the Stats Editor for increasing maximum MP when a character levels up
  • Updated "Remove Entity" scripting function to now allow a tile to be removed in free movement even when occupied by the player character
  • Updated "Perform Action" scripting function to allow the "next_tool" and "previous_tool" actions to work even when the tool item UI is disabled
  • Updated "Set Gameplay Property" scripting function to support "free_attack_system" as a property name, with possible values of "default" or "cursor"
  • Updated the maximum count for items and currency from 100 to 1,000,000 when creating loot drops in the Combat Editor
  • Updated input actions for the quick slot bar (keys 1 through 5 by default) to go by order of element ID to allow flexibility when using a custom quick slot bar
  • Updated "Skill Effects" dialog shown when adding effects to a skill in the Stats Editor to use the new "spell" icon instead of the old "jump" icon

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where cube-based Blockbench models would sometimes fail to load properly when attempting to import them into the Voxel Editor
  • Fixed issue where meshes in Blockbench models would sometimes be in the incorrect position when importing them into the Voxel Editor
  • Fixed issue where transparency was not being properly set up for textures when importing Blockbench models into the Voxel Editor
  • Fixed issue where the "Locked Script" setting for "Door" thingies was not properly being shown/hidden when changing whether or not the door requires an item to open
  • Fixed issue where projectiles fired from turrets or from entities via the "Fire Projectile" function would fire in the nearest cardinal direction instead of the precise direction the entity was facing.
  • Fixed issue where projectiles fired from turrets or from entities via the "Fire Projectile" function would originate from the source entity's tile coordinate instead of its absolute position (e.g. if an object had a non-zero offset).
  • Fixed issue where progress bars would sometimes not show the correct value when the current and maximum values were updated at the same time (e.g. leveling up)
  • Fixed issue where the import/export buttons were incorrectly enabled for sprite-based models in the Voxel Editor (images are assigned from the Model Properties tab)
  • Fixed issue where the battle script dropdowns ("Pre-Battle Script", etc.) in the "General" section of the Combat Editor would be blank initially if the project's "combat.json" file didn't exist yet
  • Fixed issue where the "Available Items" dropdown in the "Loot Drops" section of the Combat Editor would be blank initially if the project's "combat.json" file didn't exist yet
  • Fixed issue where currency without a valid image would be displayed with a black square instead of the "missing" icon in the list of currencies in the Stats Editor
  • Fixed issue where currency without a valid image that had been added to a loot drop in the Combat Editor wasn't falling back to the "missing" icon
  • Fixed issue where currency images would sometimes show at their full size in the list of items for a loot drop or on the "Add Currency to Loot Drop" popup menu in the Combat Editor
  • Fixed issue with some incorrect YouTube links on the "Tutorials" page of the built-in documentation ("Beginner's Guide" and "How to Make a Game" series)


  • Added initial version of built-in docs for "Input Actions" with a list of all available action IDs (for use with the input action functions)
  • Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Enable Action" and "Disable Action" scripting functions
  • Updated "Tile", "Object", and "Character" built-in docs to include information about the "animation" property
  • Updated "Set Gameplay Property" built-in docs to include the new "free_attack_system" property and its possible values