PirrratesAndCannons [v. 1.0] - Tātāwhai's Treasures
Welcome to version 1.0 of the game! Even though I've reached this version, I've decided to keep it in early access so that I can address any errors or issues you might encounter (I've certainly tested the game multiple times, but being alone, surely something could have slipped by me, especially in languages that aren't my own!)
In this version, you'll find numerous additions, such as the new tavern minigame, useful for gathering quite a bit of gold (or losing it!), the ability to redeem bonus codes you'll find during your adventures by talking to the mysterious pirate in the fourth quadrant, and even the presence of maps of the areas you find yourself in!
The models have been made clearer, perhaps simplified a bit, but at least now they have a more consistent look within the context!
Here are the additions you'll find in this new version:
Revised almost all game models!
Removed rain for performance and compatibility reasons.
Added many secret codes! They can be found as rewards from treasure maps and, very rarely, as drops from enemies!
Added a tavern minigame! Welcome to Tātāwhai! You can access it through the hideout.
The pirate rolls 5 dice.
You must initially state a number that you believe is equal to the sum of the results of the individual dice.
The pirate proposes another sum; if you believe this is compatible with the actual result, you accept it, and it becomes your call. Then the dice are revealed, and if the call is equal to or higher than the value, you win the bet (the bet doubles if the result is the same).
If you reject the pirate's proposal, then you must indicate a new sum, and the prize in case of winning increases by 50% compared to the initial bet. Then the dice are revealed, and if the call is equal to or higher than the value, you win the bet (the bet doubles if the result is the same).
Addressed some translation issues in various languages.
Removed the inventory icon in the top left; now it's only accessible from the bottom bar!
There's now a new button on the bottom bar that allows you to view the map of the area you're in! Follow the arrows and the famous chorus:
"From the first land, ye shall venture westward with glee, To the realm of Rivertos, where rivers roam free. Then southward ye shall set sail, through shadows so deep, To the treacherous reef, where secrets ye shall keep. Eastwards ye'll be bound, through ashes and fire, To Ashen Anchorages, where legends inspire."
Known bugs: Issue with the translation of some terms like "confirm" in various menus. It will be resolved as soon as possible!