Are you an adventurer? Do you like exploring mystical worlds with strange creatures? Do you like Role-playing? Rats & Dragons is the right place for you!
Let's intraprend awesome adventures in this VTTRPG (Virtual tabletop RPG), where you can choose one of 7 classes (maybe more!), increasing his stats and equipment!
It's really inspired by D&D 3.5e, but more accessible, with fewer rules to respect but the same fun (i hope so!)
this is the tutorial area, where you will learn the basics of the game; i'm hoping that you will play it and give me feedback as much as possible, for adjusting the future campaigns and adventures!
there's will be an "Hub" where you can choose where you can select any adventure you want (even repeating the same one for a better chances to get higher loot!)
thanks and happy role-playing!