• Tutorials
  • Slayer's RPG In A Box Video Tutorials

Justin stickied the discussion .
4 months later

Thanks for the kind words Schnnaider!
I'm pleased to hear that you are enjoying them. 👍

12 days later

Your videos have been very helpful in my game production and I'm thankful.

I am looking forward to watching your video series, Slayer; I have consumed the other tutorial videos and I was hoping for some longer, more in-depth material and your content really delivers. Thanks for everything you do!

17 days later

Hey Slayer. I've been enjoying these videos. I think previously the code for each of these example projects was available for download; do you know if this is still the case? I haven't been able to locate it from the video description if so

    Hol Thanks Hol!

    Yea I still need to get around to going back through my older videos and getting projects up for them..
    It's a bit of a WIP. lol

    If there's any projects in particular you want, let me know and I can prioritise them in the meantime. 🙂

    • Hol replied to this.

      Slayer I was interested in the 'request coordinate' and 'request entity' ones.

      2 months later