8Pancakes4Lunch Hello and welcome to Jason's Monthly Dungeon! As the name implies, this project is about creating a new dungeon every month! And I intend to build on this project indefinitely, so it will be updated monthly throughout 2024 and beyond! Pretty neat, right? If you're interested in checking it out, here is the link: [https://8pancakes4lunch.itch.io/jasons-monthly-dungeon] Thank you for your time & have a nice day! 😄👍️
8Pancakes4Lunch Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! I hope your day was full of much love and happiness. 💕 Dungeon #2: Tunnels of Love contains slimes, goblins, and succubuses! Thank you for reading! See ya next month!
8Pancakes4Lunch Gonna be taking a break from this project for a while. Need time to figure stuff out. I made a post on itch.io about why, if you're interested. Thank you for reading. 👋