Hey all, updating this to talk about further progress on the game.
Signals are mostly complete now, they may require further bug testing but all functionality is present and they seem to work as intended. The signals have different appearances depending on what time period the game is currently in. There are several signal types to help you manage/automate your rail lines:
Stop/Go: Any train that comes across this signal while it is signaling to stop will automatically halt and wait until it is told to go again. Useful for automatically halting trains while you perform construction.
Timed: When a train passes this signal, it will signal all incoming trains to halt until a user specified amount of seconds has passed. Any further trains that are halted will start-up again once the signal tells them to go, which will also immediately trigger the signal again.
Forward: When a train comes across this signal, it will check up to 10 connected rail tiles ahead for any other trains on those tiles. If there is a train present on the track ahead, the train will wait until the track is clear before starting again. It will check straight rails, turns, 4Way Junctions, and stations. It will also check a junction rail but will not check any further rail after that, so multiple forward signals may be required. It will also check the rail tile a signal is on but will not check any further rail beyond that signal.
Switch: Will signal between two different directions on a junction automatically, when a trains passes, it will switch to the other direction.
Cargo Switch: Similar to the switch signal, but it will signal different directions based off the cargo the train is carrying. If the train is not carrying either of the selected cargos, it will go in the direction the junction is already facing.
Carriage Switch: Similar to the cargo switch signal, but checks for which carriage type the train has instead of the cargo it is carrying.
There are 40 trains in the game, 10 for each time period. (1800s, 1900s, Modern, Future). There is a good mix of Steam and Diesel Engines, but one major upgrade from the previous game is the addition of Electric, Monorail, and Maglev Engines, along with different track types to support them.
Alot of behind the scenes stuff has been done, such as a cash floating system that will show how much you money you used to purchase something, or how much money you made from selling something/delivering something. I hope this removes some ambiguity from how much you may have spent on a select item, or how much money you made from deliveries, considering that deliveries now account for how long it took you to deliver the item(s), alongside the base price of the delivery. (Each cargo type has a base delivery income, as well as a standard delivery time. You make more money by delivering before the standard delivery time, but make less money (or no money!) if you make a late delivery (about double the standard delivery time).
Last thing I wanted to talk about is the bridge types. There are 5 different bridge types (Wood, Beam, Arch, Suspension, Tubular), each with their own base cost, support costs, max height from the ground, and max speed that trains can cross it at.
I am very proud of the game progress so far and I believe I can safely say that almost all core game mechanics are complete. I hope to start making the scenarios soon so I can release a demo/test build to gather feedback. I am very excited about the scenarios, I believe they will provide a healthy challenge while also being unique and creative enough to encourage beating a scenario to see what the next one will be like.