Seems like I kept postponing the previous update until another update became necessary, so here's an update for the two previous weeks.
It's even more of a big blur than previously, so, what should I say... 🤔
The most noticeable addition, thanks to Justin's hard work, are moving platforms that you can now actually walk onto. This means platforms following all kinds of trajectories, vertical, horizontal, oblique, or even more complex patterns. I've barely scratched the surface, and I didn't find a way to make full use of automated looping platforms yet, but it's already pretty nice to press buttons and move all over the map!
Another interesting feature are ladders. This also opens brand new possibilities for level design. Previously, the only way to go up was to use stairs, which can be rather cumbersome. Now it's pretty easy to simply climb up whenever a bit of verticality is needed. Unlike platforms, ladders are very quick to set up once you find the right physics paramters. And to my surprise, creating a climb animation didn't take me too much time.
I should also mention glass tunnels, which are an interesting and pretty way to direct the player to specific places while preventing them from falling. I probably forgot a few things... No doubt you'll figure them out by yourselves!
I'm currently working on February's album. I hope to release it in a few days, probably next week.

Some glass tunnels (yes, this also includes stairs.)

A moving platform (see that trail of smoke?)

Climbing a ladder
That's all for now 🙂