Does the issue occur in the editor or during gameplay? If it occurs during gameplay, please specify which movement system is being used (free movement or grid movement):
Gameplay, Grid

Briefly describe the issue you're experiencing:
If you change_player to a npc on the map, or a party member, and then save the game, if you load the saved game, you will be loaded back in as the original player character, but still standing on the saved position.
Two different outcomes occur depending on if the swapped character was a map npc, or a party member.

The NPC will also be standing on the same tile as the player, but no longer moves around (had initial "move anywhere" behavior before changing player and saving)

Party Member model
The party member is still in the party (printing their .member["id"] returns the model) and the player can not walk back onto the tile you loaded in on once leaving if the party model is invisible and occupying it still.
Printing the party.member id of that model returns their coordinates as the saved tile.

Are there any errors in the in-game debug console or external console window?
Not when quitting to title and loading...however....

If you save and then just load, the following errors show on the console and a different outcome occurs in game.
Still the same character in the loaded game as when saved...but cannot move.

Provide the steps necessary to reproduce the issue:

  1. Add a NPC to a map
  2. Play the game
  3. change_player to NPC
  4. save the game
  5. Quit to Title
  6. Load


  1. play the game
  2. add party member
  3. change_player to party member
  4. save
  5. quit to title
  6. load
  7. notice how the tile is no longer enterable once walking off it.

Provide a download link to the bare bones project (if applicable):
Can provide one if necessary

    Thanks Slayer for logging this! You documented it so well! 😮

    20 days later

    Slayer Thanks so much for filling out the form and for all of the details! I believe I have both of these cases working properly now, so they'll be fixed for the v1.1 release. I still need to do some more in-depth testing, but changing to both a party member and NPC in the map seem to be loading correctly, both directly after saving and after restarting the game.