Every time I try to use a .Wav file from Bosca Ceoil it Either doesnt play or says that its the wrong format but ive tried the .wav files that exist already in RPG in a box and those work fine. How do I fix this?
Why are my .Wav files not compatible with RPG in a box?
because i believe there a licence you need to have (same with mp3) to use that type but ogg if free
Umbre Does the music play okay if you double-click it in the Game Explorer tab? Looking a bit further, it does appear that I need to make some additional updates to the in-game functionality to support WAV files. However, I'll need more detail about what the exact error message is that you're receiving and what you're doing when that occurs to know for sure if that's the particular issue you're experiencing.
Justin I messed up a bit because I forgot the base music was .ogg and I was trying to use .wav so I’m sorry for inconvenience but there should really be a .wav to music converter in RPG in a box I had to use a kinda shady website to convert. Also I forgot to specify music before so sorry for not specifying. (I’m using an ALt account because I’m not at home)