This is a Contest where all you have to do is Put a creature Concept as a Respond the Winners will get their Concepts put in the Game im making Called Dominace and A Feature of their choosing Dedicated to themself Including Weapons, Characters and Missions. You will also be Put in the Credits, and on the Dominance Project post as A winner.
Here are 2 Creautures alredy In the Game as refrence.
Name: Camodo
Inspiration: Kamodo dragon, Crocodile and Camouflage.
Lore: It evolved to look like a pile of Rocks to catch Prey easier.
Name: Forest Imp
Ispiration: Bats and Wasps.
Lore: Drinks water through its Tail that it then Heats up to Boiling hot to spit on Prey.
All you have to do to participate is copy the Questios and answer them as a Respond, Remember all the ones that are labebled "OPTIONAL" are still recommended.
Extra Details: "OPTIONAL"
Sketch: "OPTIONAL"