So lets say all I want to do is rotate an item from 0 to 180 over nth number of frames, I would set frame 0 to be 0 degrees and frame 10 to be 180. I would also be able to choose an ease mode for this tween. With a start and end frame like:
animation: swing axe
- frame 1 - XRot 50 start
- frame 2 - XRot --
- frame 3 - XRot 0 end - ease out
- frame 4 - XRot 0 start - ease in
- frame 5 - XRot --
- frame 6 - XRot --
- frame 7 - XRot --
- frame 8 - XRot --
- frame 9 - XRot -- end
Though as you can see it could get a little irritating. I'm trying to think of ways to do this without using a timeline.
Maybe an option where you can choose an animation to be over nth virtual frames so in effect you would have 1 frame rotation again for an example:
- frame 1
-- XRot -180 to 180 linear over 24 fps
-- YRot -180 to 180 linear over 24 fps
-- YOffset -30 to 30 ease in out 24 fps
With this you now have 1 frame but 24 virtual frames of animation with ease effects. Could help out with doing fully rotating cogs, doors/items swinging open and shut. The timeline would nail it though :-P
Quick Note:
Have you heard of They have a very interesting timeline, like Flash style but one of the cool things they did was to add a blend option as well, so if you have 2 animations of the same items, you can take a percentage of each and apply. So lets say a face with angry and happy styles you can apply to the same vectors. You then have talking, but the blend of the angry means the talking and the angry positions rotations can work together. While choosing how much of the blend you want. Crazy stuff :-P and worth just getting on your radar of cool thingies :-)
It is free so you could just have a mess about to see their timeline stuff in comparison to Flash.