Does the issue occur in the editor or during gameplay?
It happens during gameplay

If it's a gameplay issue, please specify which movement system and camera type you're using (free movement vs. grid movement, third-person vs. first-person) or N/A if not applicable:

grid movement, third-person

Briefly describe the issue you're experiencing:

Basically if you bother a container enough by moving items around and leaving a few slots free, at some point it will trigger the “disappearance” of items.

At this point, leaving only 5 in the top row of slots and removing the last one with shift-click you can close the container again, reopen it and find the full slot again, and go on forever, it seems.

Are there any errors in the in-game debug console or external console window?

tons of:

ERROR: Nonexistent signal: tool_slot_item_changed
   At: core\object.cpp:1510
ERROR: In Object of type 'Spatial': Attempt to connect nonexistent signal 'tool_slot_item_changed' to method 'Node2D.handle_entity_tool_slot_changed'
   At: core\object.cpp:1460
ERROR: Nonexistent signal: tool_slot_item_changed
   At: core\object.cpp:1510
ERROR: In Object of type 'Spatial': Attempt to connect nonexistent signal 'tool_slot_item_changed' to method 'Node2D.handle_entity_tool_slot_changed'
   At: core\object.cpp:1460
ERROR: Nonexistent signal: tool_slot_item_changed
   At: core\object.cpp:1510
ERROR: In Object of type 'Spatial': Attempt to connect nonexistent signal 'tool_slot_item_changed' to method 'Node2D.handle_entity_tool_slot_changed'
   At: core\object.cpp:1460
ERROR: Nonexistent signal: tool_slot_item_changed
   At: core\object.cpp:1510
ERROR: In Object of type 'Spatial': Attempt to connect nonexistent signal 'tool_slot_item_changed' to method 'Node2D.handle_entity_tool_slot_changed'
   At: core\object.cpp:1460
ERROR: Nonexistent signal: tool_slot_item_changed
   At: core\object.cpp:1510
ERROR: In Object of type 'Spatial': Attempt to connect nonexistent signal 'tool_slot_item_changed' to method 'Node2D.handle_entity_tool_slot_changed'
   At: core\object.cpp:1460

Provide the steps necessary to reproduce the issue:

  1. create a project with a container and some items
  2. put the container on the map, populate it with some items
  3. start the game
  4. play a bit by moving items around into the container and leaving a few slots free
  5. close and re-open the container
  6. repeat from step #4 untill some items disappear from the container
  7. leave only 5 items in the 5 top slots of the container
  8. close and re-open the container
  9. at this point you should be able to take one of the objects by using shift-click, and by closing and reopening the container you should find the object removed. Forever.

Provide a download link to the bare bones project (strongly recommended if it's an in-game issue, since this helps significantly when attempting to reproduce it; the report will also be given more priority in this case):

here it is (it's the same posted here btw

    A short video showing the items multiplication

    +1 on this. Shift clicking or click and dragging doesn't seem to permanently remove an item from the container.

    +1, i experienced this bug in Yasonia too.

    I also have been seeing the duplication glitch happen in my game.

    24 days later

    Can verify, I've fought with this bug dozens of times. The faster you shuffle things around, the worse the effect becomes.

    a month later

    skattigat Thank you for the report, skattigat! It seems that the link to the project is no longer working, when you have a chance could you attach the project as a zip file?



      This should help. Steps to reproduce:

      -Open the container
      -Move the top right item down 1 slot
      -Close and reopen the container, you'll see that the container has "rearranged" itself to have all items at the top again
      -take the top right item out into your inventory
      -Close and reopen the container, you'll see it has "rearranged" itself and made another item appear

      -open container and move all the items down 1 slot
      -close and reopen, items are sorted back to the top slot
      -take all the items out into your inventory
      -close and reopen, you'll see all the items appear back in the top slot while remaining in your inventory

      It seems when it "sorts" the container, it never reconciles the original item being sent to your inventory and keeps "sorting" them by duping them if they are moved from you inventory.