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  • Welcome to the official RPG in a Box forum!

Hey, I'm Justin, the creator of RPG in a Box - welcome to the forum! 👋😄 My hope is that this forum can become a community hub for all things related to RPG in a Box, easily accessible by anyone. It's designed to be a place where you can share about the games you're making, get help with a problem or how to use a feature, expand your knowledge through tutorials and guides, report bugs, or provide suggestions on what you'd like to see added to RPG in a Box. Before posting, please read the rules linked at the top of the site.

If you're new to the forum, reply to this post to say hi and introduce yourself to others! Thank you so much for being a part of this community and for your help in making it a lovely and welcoming one! 💖

    Justin stickied the discussion .
    5 days later

    Hi I'm Dave the goofy nerd. A busy busy dude. School, work, a kid, and trying to make games in the little bit of free time I have

    Justin Hi all, I'm a hobby game dev having previously made small games in Unity and in Godot.
    I'm working on a small project (StarLinked) in RiaB after finding that it gives me more time to work on the game and mechanics in my spare time.
    I particularly find the voxel and the icon editor useful.


    I’m mostly an eternal noob, more curious than actually doing anything... These days i’m more motivated than usual to try and make an actual game, so, we will see.

    Forum will be amazing, discord is limited in ways for archiving data. Good idea.

    Hello, I'm completely new to game development/design so I'm hoping RPG in a Box will be a good start to my journey in game dev.

    5 days later

    Hello There, I'm Revolo. I am a novice 3d designer and screenwriter. My dream has always been to make and publish my own game. RPG in a Box is a great program for me and now I can realize my dreams.

    Fala pessoal! Tudo bem?

    Meu nome é Gibson Schnnaider e sou um brasileiro que está apaixonado pelo programa desde o primeiro contato em 2022, faço questão de postar em português para representar a comunidade brasileira que ama o programa e cresce todos os dias.

    Sou estudante do curso de Licenciatura em Computação e hoje (21/10/2023) estou desenvolvendo um projeto com meus alunos utilizando a ferramenta para trabalhar/desenvolver o Pensamento Computacional, mesmo a versão gratuita da plataforma é boa o suficiente para que todos os envolvidos consigam desenvolver bons protótipos e exercitar várias habilidades.

    Parabéns pelo programa Justin!

    Hello everyone!

    We started Rise of Erion as a father/son-project about a year ago. We first used RPG Maker but it turned out, that it wasn't flexible enough (well, not without a lot of plugins) for what we wanted to do. So we switched to RPG in a Box and have been working on our game ever since.

    It's not always easy to work on it with everything that is going on in our lives at the moment but it is a lot of fun!
    My son learns a lot about scripting through the visual UI of RPGiaB, while I prefer the good old text-only approach.

    Thanks for this awesome tool, Justin!

    a month later
    5 days later

    Hi! It's Chocco. Hope everyone is well. My first computer game commercial release
    and game giveaway on desktop: http://bellablaze.mygamesonline.org
    My startup game company: blazenica.com

    My second game will be made with RGPInABox; but having problems with turning graphics into 3 Dimensional; .png into 3 dimensional; anybody with info please reply. Thank you.

    24 days later

    Hey there 🙂

    I stumbled upon RPGiaB a long time ago. Around 2016, while looking for some kind of Minecraft engine on Itch, I think? It was love at first sight, and I had tremendous amounts of fun with it over the years. I can't thank Justin enough for that.

    I'm mainly known for making strange experimental games like The Egg or A Road to Awe, not finishing most of my projects, and breaking Justin's engine in new and unexpected ways. I haven't been very active in the community lately, but I'm thinking about coming back with one more weird experimental game on January 1st, so... See you soon!

    4 days later

    hey there! I'm new on the block and eager to make games.
    love to play games and learning to make em.

    Hello everyone!
    I think I've used this awesome engine since the early access, and finally finished a project i'm proud of.
    I was an absolute fan of the RPG Maker serie since I was a teen but now i'm all about RPGinB 😃
    Thank you so much Justin for this awesome tool!

    a month later

    Hey. 👋 I'm Jason (8Pancakes4Lunch).
    The only thing I like more than video games is pancakes, but only because pancakes taste better.

    Enough talk! Time to make some games!

    a month later

    Hello everyone! My name is phantos, and I am here with my brother Gurt to develop some fun projects. I have spent a lot of time on many different forums throughout the years, but this is certainly one of the nicest ones I have ever seen. Its clean and elegant layout combined with this community's creative nature and welcoming spirit will surely make for an excellent forum. Thanks for having me, and thanks for hosting for us, Justin!

    3 months later

    Didn't realize this was here, lol.
    I am not new, but thought I'd chime in anyway. 😅

    I'm SODA. I'm here making a game for my husband.
    I used RPG Maker VX ACE before I discovered RIAB, and eventually plan on learning Godot.
    I like using RIAB a lot so far, as it's been a huge help in me learning code knowledge, and getting that programmer mindset in. : )

    7 months later

    Hi everyone!
    My name is Nikolaus. I have no experience programming games at all. That's why I'm even more pleased to have found RPG in a box. When I played through "The Secret of Monky Island" at the age of 9, I swore to myself that one day I would program a game myself... And now, I finally have the opportunity to do so! Yay!