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Stats Editor


The Stats Editor allows you to set up an experience leveling table for your characters and view the default equipment slot configuration.

Built-In Character Stats

Refer to the table below for a list of built-in stats that can be retrieved or modified for a character.

Stat NameDescriptionID
HPHealth/HP of the character.“hp”
Max HPMaximum health/HP of the character.“max_hp”
XPTotal experience points earned by the character.“xp”
LevelCurrent experience level of the character.“level”
CurrencyAmount of currency held by the character.“currency”
AttackAttack value of the character.“attack”
DefenseDefense value of the character.“defense”
Movement RangeMovement range (in tiles) of the character. This stat is used in tactical turn-based combat.“move_range”
Movement SpeedMovement speed (in voxels per second) of the character.“speed”

A character's stats can be accessed in a script using the built-in “.stat” syntax along with one of the IDs listed in the “ID” column above. Refer to the code below for some usage examples.


player.stat["hp"] = player.stat["max_hp"];

Restores the player's health to the maximum value.

player.stat["currency"] += 100;

Increases the player's currency by 100.


The Leveling section allows you to set up leveling information for your characters. This includes a table of levels and the experience points required for each level. You can configure specific stat increases for each level, including any custom stats you've defined in the Character Stats section. When a character reaches a particular level, those stat increases will be automatically applied.

To add a new level to the table, click the green “plus” button. Clicking on a value in the “Required XP” column will allow you to edit the amount required for that level. To adjust the stat increases for a particular level, click on the level number in the “Level” column. To remove a level, click the red “X” button.


Coming soon!


Coming soon!

Status Effects

Coming soon!


Coming soon!

stats_editor.1712255470.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/04 11:31 by justin