======Shop Item Slot======
A **shop item slot** is a [[widget]] element for allowing an [[item]] to be purchased by the player. The cost of the [[item]] is configured in the [[Item Editor]].
=====Element Properties=====
|{{:wiki:tag_id.png?nolink|}}|Element ID|ID for the shop item slot. This ID must be unique amongst other elements within the same [[widget]]. It is currently auto-generated but will be editable in a future update.|
|{{:wiki:item.png?nolink|}}|Item|[[Item]] that will be available for purchase from this slot.|
|{{:wiki:item_stack.png?nolink|}}|Count|How many of the [[item]] that will be available for purchase (0 = unlimited).|
You can access certain properties of a shop item slot from a [[script]] by simply referencing the parent [[widget]] and the element by their unique IDs. See below for examples of retrieving the slot's [[item]]. In this case, we are assuming that the slot currently contains an [[item]], the [[widget]] has an ID of "test", and the shop item slot has an ID of "0001". If the slot is empty, its "item" property will be null.
**Retrieving the item data for a shop item slot:**
$item_id = widget["test"].element["0001"].item.id;
$item_count = widget["test"].element["0001"].item.count
**Changing the cost of an item in a shop item slot:**
widget["test"].element["0001"].cost = 100;
**Checking if an item exists in a shop item slot:**
if widget["test"].element["0001"].item == null then
display_message("There isn't an item in this slot.")