======Set Group Light Enabled======
Enables or disables the light attached to any [[entity|entities]] in the specified [[groups|group]] (with the assumption that each [[entity]] is a light source).
set_group_light_enabled(group_name, enabled)
|group_name|[[groups|Group]] of [[entity|entities]] that will have their light enabled or disabled.|[[String]]|Yes|
|enabled|Determines the state of the lights (on or off).|[[Boolean]]|Yes|
If you'd like to change the color of the [[entity]] [[groups|group's]] lights instead of toggling them on or off, see the related [[Set Group Light Color]] function.
set_group_light_enabled("torches", true);
//Results:// All [[entity|entities]] in the "torches" [[groups|group]] will have their lights enabled (i.e. they will be turned on and cast light).
Use the **Set Group Light Enabled** function to toggle a room's lights on and off when the player interacts with a switch or button.
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====Visual Demo:====