======Add Character======
Adds a [[character|character]] to the specified [[tile|tile]] within the [[map|map]] (if the [[tile|tile]] is not already occupied by another [[character|character]]). The [[entity|entity]] ID is optional and will be assigned to the new [[character|character]] if supplied.
add_character(model_name, tile, entity_id)
|model_name|Model to use for the new [[character|character]].|[[string|String]]|Yes|
|tile|ID or [[coordinate|coordinate]] of the [[tile|tile]] where the [[character|character]] will be placed.|[[string|String]], [[coordinate|Coordinate]]|Yes|
|entity_id|Unique [[entity|entity]] ID that will be assigned.|[[string|String]]|No|
The [[remove_entity|Remove Entity]] function can be triggered later to remove a [[character|character]] that was previously added to the scene with the Add Character function.
^Return Value^Description^Type^
|Character Added|Returns a reference to the [[character]] that was added.|[[Entity]]|
add_character("purple_slime", "dungeon_door_01", "slime_01");
//Results:// A purple slime will be added to the [[map|map]] on the [[tile|tile]] having ID "dungeon_door_01" and will be assigned an ID of "slime_01".
Use the **Add Character** function to introduce new [[npc|NPCs]] into the scene. After being added, you can use the [[set_dialogue|Set Dialogue]] function to assign a [[dialogue|dialogue]] to the [[character|character]] or the [[set_character_name|Set Character Name]] function to change their name.
====Editor Node:====
====Visual Demo:====