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object [2021/11/08 13:29] justinobject [2025/03/11 20:25] (current) justin
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 Refer to the table below for a list of object properties that can be accessed from a [[script]]. If the property's value can be changed using an [[script_syntax|assignment statement]], it will be noted in the description. Refer to the table below for a list of object properties that can be accessed from a [[script]]. If the property's value can be changed using an [[script_syntax|assignment statement]], it will be noted in the description.
 ^Property^Description^ ^Property^Description^
-|<tile>.id|Entity ID of the object, as set in the [[Map Editor]] from the [[Entity Properties]] panel. This can be used to either retrieve or change the ID of the object.| +|<object>.id|Entity ID of the object, as set in the [[Map Editor]] from the [[Entity Properties]] panel. This can be used to either retrieve or change the ID of the object.| 
-|<tile>.type|Type of [[entity]], in this case the constant value OBJECT.| +|<object>.type|Type of [[entity]], in this case the constant value OBJECT.| 
-|<tile>.coord|[[Coordinate]] of the object.| +|<object>.coord|[[Coordinate]] of the object.| 
-|<tile>.direction|[[Cardinal direction]] (NORTH, SOUTH, WEST, EAST) in which the object is rotated. The default direction of an [[entity]] is SOUTH.| +|<object>.direction|[[Cardinal direction]] (NORTH, SOUTH, WEST, EAST) in which the object is rotated. The default direction of an [[entity]] is SOUTH.| 
-|<tile>.groups|An [[array]] of [[groups]] to which the object is assigned. The [[array]] will be empty if the object is not assigned to any [[groups]].| +|<object>.tiles|An [[array]] of [[tile|tiles]] that the object is currently occupying.| 
-|<tile>.tags|An [[array]] of tags (as [[string|strings]]) for the object, as set in the [[Voxel Editor]] from the [[Model Properties]] panel.| +|<object>.groups|An [[array]] of [[groups]] to which the object is assigned. The [[array]] will be empty if the object is not assigned to any [[groups]].| 
-|<tile>.interact_cursor|Interaction cursor for the object, as set in the [[Map Editor]] from the [[Entity Properties]] panel. This can be used to either retrieve or change the interaction cursor for the object. Valid values include "default", "walk", "interact", "speak", "attack", or any custom cursor defined in your [[game configuration]].| +|<object>.tags|An [[array]] of tags (as [[string|strings]]) for the object, as set in the [[Voxel Editor]] from the [[Model Properties]] panel.| 
-|<tile>.property["x"]|Custom property stored on the tile, where "x" is a [[string]] containing the name of the property. This can be used to either retrieve or change the property's value.| +|<object>.interact_cursor|Interaction cursor for the object, as set in the [[Map Editor]] from the [[Entity Properties]] panel. This can be used to either retrieve or change the interaction cursor for the object. Valid values include "default", "walk", "interact", "speak", "attack", or any custom cursor defined in your [[game configuration]].| 
-|<tile>.model|Name of the tile's model (e.g. "grass").| +|<object>.property["x"]|Custom property stored on the object, where "x" is a [[string]] containing the name of the property. This can be used to either retrieve or change the property's value.| 
-|<tile>.frame|Current [[animation]] frame (as a [[number]], with the first frame being 1). This can be used to either retrieve or change the model's current frame. If this property is changed and an [[animation]] is playing, the [[animation]] will first be stopped.| +|<object>.properties|All custom properties defined for the object. As it's a [[codex]], its keys can be iterated using a “for” loop (refer to the [[codex]] documentation for an example).| 
-|<tile>.animations|An [[array]] of [[animation]] names defined for this tile. The names will be [[string]] values.| +|<object>.model|Name of the object's model (e.g. "tree").| 
-|<tile>.attach_points|An [[array]] of [[attach_points|attach point]] names defined for this tile (across all [[animation]] frames). The names will be [[string]] values. The [[array]] will be empty if no [[attach points]] are defined.|+|<object>.frame|Current [[animation]] frame (as a [[number]], with the first frame being 1). This can be used to either retrieve or change the model's current frame. If this property is changed and an [[animation]] is playing, the [[animation]] will first be stopped.| 
 +|<object>.animation|Name of the [[animation]] currently playing for this object (as a [[string]]). Value will be null if no [[animation]] is playing.| 
 +|<object>.animations|An [[array]] of [[animation]] names defined for this object. The names will be [[string]] values.| 
 +|<object>.attach_points|An [[array]] of [[attach_points|attach point]] names defined for this object (across all [[animation]] frames). The names will be [[string]] values. The [[array]] will be empty if no [[attach points]] are defined.| 
 +|<object>.attachment["x"]|[[Object]] attached to the object, where "x" is the [[attach_points|attach point]] ID.| 
 +|<object>.effect["x"]|[[Effect]] attached to the object, where "x" is the [[attach_points|attach point]] ID.| 
 +|<object>.textures|An [[array]] of texture names defined for this object. The names will be [[string]] values.| 
 +|<object>.scale|Scale of the object, as set in the [[Map Editor]] from the [[Entity Properties]] panel. This can be used to either retrieve or change the scale of the object. When changing the scale, an [[array]] with three numeric values (X, Y, Z) is expected.| 
 +|<object>.scale_x|X scale of the object, as set in the [[Map Editor]] from the [[Entity Properties]] panel. This can be used to either retrieve or change the X scale of the object.| 
 +|<object>.scale_y|Y scale of the object, as set in the [[Map Editor]] from the [[Entity Properties]] panel. This can be used to either retrieve or change the Y scale of the object.| 
 +|<object>.scale_z|Z scale of the object, as set in the [[Map Editor]] from the [[Entity Properties]] panel. This can be used to either retrieve or change the Z scale of the object.| 
 +|<object>.offset|Offset of the object, as set in the [[Map Editor]] from the [[Entity Properties]] panel. This can be used to either retrieve or change the offset of the object. When changing the offset, an [[array]] with three numeric values (X, Y, Z) is expected.| 
 +|<object>.offset_x|X offset of the object, as set in the [[Map Editor]] from the [[Entity Properties]] panel. This can be used to either retrieve or change the X offset of the object.| 
 +|<object>.offset_y|Y offset of the object, as set in the [[Map Editor]] from the [[Entity Properties]] panel. This can be used to either retrieve or change the Y offset of the object.| 
 +|<object>.offset_z|Z offset of the object, as set in the [[Map Editor]] from the [[Entity Properties]] panel. This can be used to either retrieve or change the Z offset of the object.| 
 +|<object>.rotation|Rotation of the object, as set in the [[Map Editor]] from the [[Entity Properties]] panel. This can be used to either retrieve or change the rotation of the object. When changing the rotation, an [[array]] with three numeric values (X, Y, Z) is expected.| 
 +|<object>.rotation_x|X rotation of the object, as set in the [[Map Editor]] from the [[Entity Properties]] panel. This can be used to either retrieve or change the X rotation of the object.| 
 +|<object>.rotation_y|Y rotation of the object, as set in the [[Map Editor]] from the [[Entity Properties]] panel. This can be used to either retrieve or change the Y rotation of the object.| 
 +|<object>.rotation_z|Z rotation of the object, as set in the [[Map Editor]] from the [[Entity Properties]] panel. This can be used to either retrieve or change the Z rotation of the object.|
 ~~NOTOC~~ ~~NOTOC~~
object.1636406975.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/08 13:29 by justin