Script Editor

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The Script Editor is used to create scripts for various events in your game such as loading maps, opening doors, triggering traps, etc.



The Palette is a list of all scripting functions that are available to add to your script. By selecting a function, the text box below the Palette will be updated to display usage information pertaining to that function. To add a function to your script, either double-click on the function name or select it and click the Add to Script button located in the upper right corner of the Palette.

Script palette component.png

Script Graph

The Script Graph is the workspace where you will build your script. Once you have added functions to your script, you can click and drag to move them around. To connect two nodes together, click on the output connector of one then drag to the input connector of another. In order to have a valid script, you need at least one function connected to the Start node. Nodes can be removed from the Script Graph by clicking on their "X" button located in the upper right corner of the node.

Script graph.png

Source Code

The Source Code panel is located at the bottom of the Script Editor and displays the source code for the script. This is primarily for informational purposes, but can be helpful if you are interesting in learning the custom scripting language that is used by RPG in a Box. The source code is updated in real-time as you edit the visual Script Graph.

Script source code.png