======Game Controls====== ---- =====Common===== ^Control^Description^ |Space|Proceed through dialogue, end combat turn.| |I|Show/hide [[inventory]] (if enabled for the game).| |M|Show/hide [[minimap]] (if enabled for the game).| |ESC|Pause or resume the game (or quit to desktop if the [[pause menu]] is not enabled).| |F12|Take a screenshot. Screenshots are stored in your system's "Pictures" folder.| =====Standard Mode===== ^Control^Description^ |Left Mouse Button|Move to tile or interact with character/object.| |Right Mouse Button + Drag|Rotate camera clockwise or counter-clockwise.| |Scroll Wheel|Zoom camera in or out.| =====First-Person Mode===== ^Control^Description^ |Left Mouse Button|Move to tile or interact with character/object (if mouse navigation is enabled in the [[game_configuration|First-Person settings]]).| |Left Mouse Button (Hold)|Move forward.| |Right Mouse Button + Drag|Look around.| |W, Up Arrow|Move forward.| |S, Down Arrow|Move backward.| |A, Left Arrow|Turn left.| |D, Right Arrow|Turn right.| |Q, Shift + Left Arrow|Strafe left.| |E, Shift + Right Arrow|Strafe right.| |Left Analog Stick, D-Pad|Move forward/backward, turn left/right.| |Left/Right Trigger Buttons|Strafe left/right.| =====Roguelike Mode===== ^Control^Description^ |W, Up Arrow|Move/interact up.| |S, Down Arrow|Move/interact down.| |A, Left Arrow|Move/interact left.| |D, Right Arrow|Move/interact right.| |Q|Rotate camera counter-clockwise.| |E|Rotate camera clockwise.| |Left Analog Stick, D-Pad|Move/interact up, down, left, or right.| |Right Analog Stick Left/Right|Rotate camera left or right.| |Right Analog Stick Up/Down|Zoom camera in or out.| ~~NOTOC~~